Santa Clarita's Top-Rated Personal Injury Attorney: Your Partner in Recovery

Santa Clarita personal injury attorney

An accident can change your life forever, but it’s unfair to make you handle these burdens alone when someone else is at fault. The law gives you the right to seek compensation, but you must quickly act if you want justice. 

Starpoint Law is a top personal injury firm in Santa Clarita. We work with victims across California and can help you hold liable parties accountable. Call today to speak with a Santa Clarita personal injury attorney in a free, confidential consultation.

Injured in Santa Clarita? Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step towards achieving justice. Call Now

When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Accidents happen daily, and most don’t require an attorney to resolve. However, even minor incidents can cause significant harm or disagreement about liability. For this reason, it’s natural to wonder if an attorney can help you get fair compensation. 

Generally, you should consider hiring an attorney if your accident involves one or more of the following issues:

  • Serious injuries. A lawyer can fight for fair compensation if your injuries result in significant medical expenses or require you to miss work. They will ensure your settlement considers the full extent of your injuries. 
  • Uncertain fault. Accidents can be confusing, especially when fault isn’t clear. Your lawyer can investigate the cause of the accident and determine who’s responsible for your injuries.
  • Insurance disputes. Dealing with insurance companies can be stressful because they don’t always treat victims fairly. If an insurance company denies your claim or the settlement offered seems low, a lawyer can advocate for you and fight for the compensation you deserve.
  • Complex case. Some accidents involve multiple parties, and each may share some blame. A Santa Clarita personal injury lawyer can untangle the web of facts to prove why you deserve compensation. 
  • Wrongful death. The worst accidents can lead to the loss of a loved one. While nothing can replace this person’s place in your life, a lawyer can help you secure compensation for funeral expenses and lost financial support.

Even if your situation seems straightforward, there’s no harm in scheduling a free consultation with Starpoint Law. Our injury lawyers can assess your case and advise you on what steps to take next.

Cases that Can Qualify for Compensation

You can file a lawsuit if someone else is responsible for your injuries. Usually, this means they created a risky situation or ignored a known risk, causing you to become injured.

Some examples of incidents where compensation may be possible include:

  • Brain injuries,
  • Car accidents,
  • Defective products,
  • Dog bites,
  • Maritime accidents, 
  • Slip-and-fall accidents,
  • Swimming pool incidents, and 
  • Workplace accidents.

Starpoint Law handles all types of personal injury claims, so don’t hesitate to contact our firm if you need help. We can review your case and provide you with options to get the compensation you deserve.

How Starpoint Law Can Help

Our Santa Clarita personal injury attorneys dedicate their lives to obtaining justice for accident victims. We are committed to seeking a positive outcome quickly and ensuring you feel supported. Below are some additional benefits you’ll receive when you hire Starpoint Law.

Free Case Evaluation

We offer free, no-obligation consultations to discuss your accident and legal options. During this meeting, our lawyers will listen to your story, assess the details of your case, and determine if you have a valid claim. We will help you make informed decisions about your path forward without any initial financial commitment.

Evidence Collection

Building a strong case is crucial to securing fair compensation. Our experienced team will handle all evidence collection, gathering police reports, medical records, witness statements, and any other relevant documentation. After this, we’ll analyze the evidence to identify all liable parties and estimate your total damages.

Settlement Negotiations

Insurance companies are notorious for refusing to pay fair settlements. Starpoint Law’s skilled negotiators will fight for the maximum compensation you deserve. We know how to counter all the tactics insurers use during negotiations, which is why our firm has a proven track record of obtaining large settlements for clients. 

Peace of Mind

The legal process can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to worry about anything when you hire Starpoint Law. Our dedicated team will handle all the research, paperwork, and court procedures. We’ll inform you of every development in your case and provide clear communication throughout the process. With our help, you can focus on recovering from your injuries and returning to your daily routine. 

Aidin Ghavimi

Aidin Ghavimi - Injury Lawyer Helping Those in Santa Clarita

Mr. Ghavimi received his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from USC, with Honors. He received his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. While at Loyola, Mr. Ghavimi Externed with the Hon. Chief Judge George H. King in the United States District Court, Central District of California.

Learn More About Aidin Ghavimi

No Fees Unless We Win

We understand that an accident can leave you with mounting bills and prevent you from working. It’s not fair to demand more from you during this time, which is why Starpoint Law operates on a contingency fee basis. You won’t owe us any fees unless we secure a successful outcome for your case. 

Compensation Available to Victims

You shouldn’t have to pay for damages that someone else caused. Starpoint Law can help you hold the liable party accountable and recover compensation for your losses.

Some of the damages you can demand include:

  • Medical expenses. Your settlement can cover current and future medical costs. We’ll calculate the cost of all doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation therapies. 
  • Lost wages. Injuries can prevent you from working, leading to lower wages during recovery. You may be entitled to any lost compensation while you heal.
  • Property damage. If your car, bike, or other personal property sustained damage in the accident, we can help you recover compensation for repairs or replacements.
  • Pain and suffering. The law recognizes the impact of physical and emotional pain, and you can seek compensation for this suffering.
  • Loss of consortium. You may be entitled to damages if your injuries cause a loss of companionship, intimacy, or support with your spouse.

The above is not an exhaustive list. The specific forms of compensation you can seek depend on your case’s unique circumstances. Only a Santa Clarita personal injury attorney can analyze your situation and determine the compensation you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can always call Starpoint Law with questions about your case. We are here to listen and guide you through this difficult time. 

Is There a Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Claim in California?

In California, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is two years from the date of the injury. Missing this deadline can prevent you from receiving compensation. However, there are exceptions depending on the nature of the case and the parties involved. Meeting with an attorney shortly after any injury is crucial to ensure you meet all applicable deadlines.

What Should I Do After an Accident?

How you respond to an injury can impact the outcome of your claim. Here are some initial steps to take:

  • Seek medical attention for any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem;
  • Gather any evidence from the scene of the accident and keep copies of all records;
  • Report the accident to your insurance company, but be careful not to admit fault; and
  • Schedule a free consultation with a Starpoint Law attorney to discuss your legal options.

These initial steps may not seem like much, but they will put you in the best position to seek compensation.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

Estimating how long a personal injury case will take to resolve is impossible. There are many factors to consider, and we can’t predict how the other parties will act. However, our team will do our best to estimate a timeline once we have all the relevant details. 

We Can Help You Get Justice

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Speak with a Santa Clarita Personal Injury Lawyer

Starpoint Law’s dedicated team of Santa Clarita personal injury lawyers is here to help you get justice. Since our founding, we have helped clients recover millions of dollars for their injuries. We never back down from a fight and will work hard to get you a positive outcome.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Where You Can Find Our Sherman Oaks Office