Pasadena's Top-Rated Personal Injury Lawyer: Your Partner in Recovery

Have you been injured because of someone else’s negligence? Has your injury left you with physical, emotional, or financial burdens?

If so, the attorneys at Starpoint Law may be able to help you get justice and compensation. We understand your challenges and are committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation with a Pasadena personal injury lawyer.

Injured in Pasadena? Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step towards achieving justice. Call Now

Understanding Your Right to Compensation

The law recognizes that accidents caused by negligence can have a devastating impact on your life. As a victim, you shouldn’t have to bear the costs of these injuries alone. That’s why you have the right to file a civil lawsuit against the liable party.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of how the law allows you to take legal action:

  • Duty of care—the other party had a legal obligation to act safely and avoid causing harm to you;
  • Breach of duty—the other party failed to uphold this duty of care; 
  • Causation—the other party’s breach of duty directly caused your injury;
  • Damages—you suffered financial losses, physical pain, or emotional distress due to your injury.

If someone else is responsible for your injuries, speak with our Pasadena personal injury lawyers. They can investigate your claim and determine if you are eligible for compensation. 

Types of Injuries We Handle

Our firm has extensive experience helping clients recover compensation for a wide range of injuries. Some of the common cases we handle include:

  • Car accident injuries. The force of a car accident can cause a variety of injuries, from whiplash and broken bones to severe head and spinal cord trauma. We fight to ensure you receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Slip and fall injuries. Uneven surfaces, inadequate lighting, or missing handrails can lead to devastating slip-and-fall accidents. We hold negligent property owners accountable for your injuries, including fractured bones, traumatic brain injuries, and back pain.
  • Dog bite injuries. Dog bites can cause severe puncture wounds, scarring, and emotional distress. We represent victims of dog attacks to recover compensation for medical treatment and emotional trauma.
  • Medical malpractice. When healthcare professionals fail to provide a proper standard of care, it can lead to serious injuries or wrongful death. We fight for patients who have suffered due to medical negligence.
  • Work injuries. Construction accidents, repetitive stress injuries, and other workplace incidents can leave you unable to work and facing significant medical bills. We help injured workers navigate the workers’ compensation system and pursue additional compensation when necessary.
  • Wrongful death. The loss of a loved one due to negligence is a profound tragedy. We understand the immense emotional pain and financial hardship wrongful death can cause and fight to hold those responsible accountable and help surviving family members recover compensation.

Contact Starpoint Law even if your injury isn’t listed above. We handle all types of incidents and are always here to help. 

Aidin Ghavimi

Aidin Ghavimi - Injury Lawyer Helping Those in Pasadena

Mr. Ghavimi received his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from USC, with Honors. He received his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. While at Loyola, Mr. Ghavimi Externed with the Hon. Chief Judge George H. King in the United States District Court, Central District of California.

Learn More About Aidin Ghavimi

How to Get Justice After an Injury

California law allows you to hold the liable party accountable; however, getting compensation takes a well-organized effort. Follow these steps to put yourself in the best position when filing a claim. 

Seek Medical Attention

See a doctor as soon as possible after any injury. A medical evaluation can identify any unnoticed injuries and create vital medical records. Your attorney can use these records to demonstrate the extent of your injuries and your need for compensation.

Document Everything

Documenting the incident is crucial for building a solid case. Start by gathering all relevant evidence, including photographs, witness statements, and any official reports such as police reports or incident reports.

These details will provide essential context and evidence for your claim. Additionally, keep a detailed record of all expenses incurred due to the injury, including medical bills, lost wages, and other financial losses.

Meet with a Personal Injury Attorney

Navigating the legal process after an injury can be overwhelming, so consulting with a personal injury lawyer is crucial. A Pasadena personal injury attorney can assess the strength of your case and review options. Your lawyer will also handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies. 

Compensation You Can Recover

Your personal injury suit aims to recover compensation for your injuries. While no amount of money can truly erase the physical and emotional pain you’ve endured, it can alleviate financial strain and help you move forward with your life. 

Here’s a breakdown of some of the damages you may be able to recover:

  • Medical expenses. Your claim can cover all past and future medical costs due to your injury. This compensation covers doctor’s appointments, surgeries, medication, and necessary medical equipment.
  • Lost wages. If your injuries prevent you from working, you can recover compensation for lost wages during your recovery period. 
  • Loss of earning capacity. Your injuries may permanently impact your ability to earn a living. A settlement can address future earning capacity and ensure financial security.
  • Property damage. If the accident damaged your vehicle or other personal property, you can recover compensation for repairs or replacement costs.
  • Pain and suffering. These damages address the physical pain and discomfort you’ve experienced due to your injuries. It also encompasses emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life. Injuries can significantly impact your ability to participate in activities you once enjoyed. Compensation can help account for the loss of these experiences and the limitations imposed by your injuries.

The specific damages you can recover and the total amount of compensation will vary depending on the unique circumstances of your case. Speak with a Pasadena personal injury lawyer who can evaluate your case and seek the maximum compensation available.

We Can Help You Get Justice

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Frequently Asked Questions

The attorneys at Starpoint Law can answer any questions you have after an injury. Read over these common questions and contact our firm with any other concerns.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

California has a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury. This law states how long you have to file a claim against the liable party. Missing this deadline can prevent you from getting compensation, so meeting with an attorney as soon as possible is important.

Will I Have to Go to Court If I File a Personal Injury Claim?

Not necessarily. We resolve many personal injuries through out-of-court settlements. These are private agreements negotiated between your attorney and the insurance company or the opposing party. However, we can’t guarantee the outcome of any case. You may need to go to trial if a settlement isn’t possible.

What Should I Do If the Insurance Company Offers Me a Settlement?

Never accept an offer from an insurance representative without speaking with an attorney. Insurance companies often try to settle claims for far less than they are worth. Once you accept a settlement, you forfeit your right to pursue further compensation. It’s crucial to have a lawyer review your settlement offers and negotiate for a better offer if necessary.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Don’t wait to get the legal help you deserve. Starpoint Law is committed to listening to your story and fighting for the compensation you need. We have recovered millions of dollars for clients and are ready to help you next.

Schedule a free consultation today with a Pasadena personal injury attorney.

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