california fatal car accident lawyer

According to the California Highway Patrol, 3,737 people died in California car accidents in 2019.

A California fatal car accident attorney can help surviving family members secure justice and begin to move forward after such a traumatic experience.

An experienced California fatal car accident attorney can help you today. 

Starpoint Law fights for accident victims and their families throughout California.

We take pride in providing exceptional and compassionate service to our clients and holding at-fault parties accountable for causing death and destruction. 

How Can a Fatal Car Accident Attorney Help You?

Losing a loved one in a car accident can put an immense weight on your shoulders.

Knowing where to turn and what to do next can be confusing and overwhelming, but filing a claim against the at-fault driver may provide some closure and help you move forward. 

Handling a legal claim yourself can be difficult, but a lawyer can help you.

A car accident attorney is an experienced professional with the training needed to investigate an accident and navigate the complexities of California law.

The team at Starpoint Law has recovered millions on behalf of car accident victims and their families.

We understand what you are going through and are here to help you seek justice. How can a fatal car accident attorney help you? There are a few key ways a car accident attorney can help you. 

Investigate Your Claim

An attorney will be able to conduct an independent investigation of the car accident that led to your loved one’s death.

Starpoint Law has the resources needed to thoroughly investigate car accidents.

Our team routinely requests and reviews critical evidence, such as witness statements, police reports, physical evidence, dash cam footage, and medical records.

We can also call on expert accident reconstructionists, who can view the evidence and use their special training to determine what occurred during the accident. 

Protect Your Rights

There are important filing deadlines and procedures that must be followed for you to remain eligible to collect compensation.

An attorney can help protect your right to seek compensation by making sure these deadlines and procedural requirements are satisfied.

An attorney can also speak with insurance companies on your behalf so that you do not get taken advantage of.

After an accident, an insurance company may try to persuade you to quickly sign a settlement offer.

Oftentimes, an initial offer is for less than what your claim is actually worth. An attorney at Starpoint Law can calculate the value of your claim so that you can decide what a fair settlement amount might be. 

Negotiate a Fair Settlement

Determining what a fair settlement value is for a car accident that killed your loved one can seem impossible.

After all, no amount of money can ever replace your loved one.

An attorney can negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault party or their insurance company on your behalf so that you can focus on healing.

The team at Starpoint Law understands that this feels like an impossible situation and is here to address your concerns and help you hold the at-fault parties accountable. 

Argue the Case in Court

If you have not been in court before, it can be a scary and intimidating place. Attorneys routinely operate in these spaces and understand the legal process. 

After developing a case strategy, an attorney prepares and argues the case in court in front of a judge or jury.

Their goal is to persuade the judge or jury to agree with you and enter a judgment in your favor.

With so much on the line, having a skilled professional argue in court on your behalf can help you present the strongest case possible.   

What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in California?

Each car accident claim is unique and can involve different laws depending on the circumstances. For that reason, there is no average settlement for a car accident.

The financial award received by surviving family members can depend on factors such as:

  • The applicable law at issue, 
  • The facts and circumstances of the accident,
  • The at-fault party’s conduct, and 
  • The suffering endured by the victim leading up to their death. 

Starpoint Law can help you navigate this difficult situation and fight for a fair settlement that reflects what you and your family have gone through.  

Types of Damages in Fatal Car Accident Cases

California law allows individuals to recover damages to compensate them for the financial losses and emotional harm caused by the at-fault party’s acts.

Although rarely awarded, in some cases, surviving family members may seek to recover punitive damages as well.

While compensatory damages are intended to compensate you for economic and noneconomic losses, punitive damages are designed to punish the at-fault party for their wrongful conduct. 

An Attorney Can Help You Maximize Your Compensation

In most cases, you only have one chance to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party, and it is essential to do so within the applicable deadlines and by presenting a well-reasoned legal argument.

An attorney can assist you with this and help you to maximize the compensation you can receive for the harm done to you and your loved ones. 

Contact a California Fatal Car Accident Attorney at Starpoint Law

We understand how frustrating and trying it can be when a loved one is killed in a car accident.

The Starpoint Law team fights for car accident victims and their families to help them secure justice and hold negligent drivers accountable.

If your loved one was killed in a California car accident, contact our team today to schedule a free consultation so that we can explain your legal options.Â