how many hours is part-time in california

You may wonder how many hours are considered part-time in California and how time clock laws affect your rights. Read on to determine whether your employer violated time clock laws in determining part-time hours in California. California employees possess a legal right to compensation in the event their employers violate time clock laws. The Fair […]

california maternity leave laws

Many women are entitled to take time away from work during and after pregnancy without fear of losing their job. When it comes to maternity leave, California is a leader, providing great benefits and strong protections for parents.   If you believe you have been denied pregnancy or family leave, consult a California employment law attorney […]

california's at will law

Employers wield considerable authority in making workplace decisions. However, this doesn't mean you should accept any unfair treatment they might impose. This also applies if your employer fires you. Even if you were terminated from an employment-at-will job, you might have the option to recover damages from your employer for wrongful termination. No matter your […]

are employers required to pay time and a half on holidays

Many employees understand they have a legal right to minimum wage, regular meal breaks, and overtime. However, when it comes to national holidays, employees’s rights are often less straightforward. Employees frequently ask: Is asking me to work on a holiday legal? Are there any federal holiday pay laws? Are employers required to pay time and […]

California labor board complaint

California is known for having some of the most extensive labor protections in the country. However, it can be challenging for employees to understand how to exercise their legal rights when dealing with workplace mistreatment.  This blog post will explain how to file a California labor board complaint when facing common employment issues.  Who Handles […]

California wage and hour statute of limitations

What is the California wage and hour statute of limitations? Many non-exempt California employees are unhappy because their employers are not paying them all the wages they deserve. You qualify as a nonexempt employee if you may receive minimum wage and overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  If this situation sounds familiar […]

Joint and several liability in California

The doctrine of joint and several liability applies in a personal injury case when one or more defendants are deemed responsible for the accident that caused the victim’s injury.  In California, the legal concept of "joint and several liability" applies to personal injury lawsuits. This means that if multiple defendants are sued, each one can […]

What Happens to Employees Who Accuse Their Company of Retaliation for Filing a Sexual Harassment Complaint

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What happens to employees who accuse their company of retaliation for filing a sexual harassment complaint?” This post is for you. Keep reading to delve into the specific challenges that employees reporting retaliation often face and the legal protections available after filing a sexual harassment complaint, as well as the […]


Sometimes, after suffering an injury to one of your spinal discs, the doctor will recommend that you get steroid injections. These anti-inflammatory injections are usually administered after more conservative treatments have been unsuccessful. If you needed a steroid injection due to an injured spinal disc, it is likely that the need for steroid injections can […]